Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Life-or-Death Secret You May Not Know... About YOU

The sooner you realize that most American companies DO NOT have your best interests at heart, the sooner you’ll be able to break free of their toxic marketing appeals.

Of course, if you want to win the wellness game, you have to know the rules.

What you’re about to learn may shock you…

Pasteur vs. Bechamp and the Loser is… Everyone

Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory of monomorphism is the established curriculum in all western medical institutions.

Unfortunately, it’s irrelevant.

Germs are not everything, as western doctors have been taught in medical school since Pasteur prominence in the mid-1800’s.

A germ, virus or pathogen can only wreak havoc when it finds a vulnerable environment in which to operate.

Inside your body, that means it must encounter an acidic cellular terrain in order to inflict its damage. If a pathogen should go up against an alkaline environment, it’s got no chance of spreading illness and disease.

You may have heard of people who’ve cured themselves of cancer and other degenerative illnesses simply by changing their lifestyle and building an alkaline fortress within their cells.

Not surprisingly, their medical school-trained doctors were shocked.

Pasteur had political pull and wealthy business associates. They weren’t interested in preventive health care.

Pastuer and his cronies were after money. And the big money, as we know, is in the management of sickness which means expensive drugs, doctor visits, surgeries…

They were interested in establishing a new global enterprise to control medicine and disease like a commodity, thereby profiting trillions from human suffering.

Unfortunately, they were successful. And that’s the reason why many doctors today are complete tools of this “sickness” machine.

The Unheralded Genius – Antoine Bechamp

Antoine Bechamp discovered pleomorphism and microzymas.

Basically, he understood that germs aren’t important by themselves. Germs are a chemical by-product of organisms interacting with unbalanced, malfunctioning cells and dead tissues that already produce disease.

As Gary Tunsky points out in “The Battle for Health is Over pH,” “Germs don’t produce diseased conditions themselves any more than mosquitoes cause a stagnant swamp.”

Disease is born of an acidic, low-oxygen cellular environment, created by environmental toxins, a toxic diet and a toxic lifestyle.

The coverup of Bechamp’s crucial theory by Pasteur cronies has meant nothing but misery and suffering for the human race.

Pasteur was so guilt-ridden on his deathbed he cried out, attempting to make amends, but he was successfully hushed by the powers that be – his own cabal.

Tunsky: “Had Bechamp’s breakthrough discoveries been incorporated into current medical curriculum, we would have already been experiencing the virtual elimination of disease and the end of the pharmaceutical industry.”

The critical importance of your pH level and maintaining an alkaline cellular terrain inside your body is going to be a main focus of this blog.

It’s your brilliant path to ultimate health and wellness.

And it’s literally the difference between wellness and disease; life and death.

And if you somehow still doubt that America’s biggest companies DO NOT have your best interests at heart, check this out.

It’s about a friend of mine who was forced to change the way he does business after suffering a crushing attack by one of America’s largest companies.

It is appalling.

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